Petr Sekanina
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Petr Sekanina is the Corporate Holding Director and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EPH. He is also Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of EPH’s subsidiary Plzeňská teplárenská, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Slovak company Stredoslovenská energetika, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of EP Energy and Managing Partner of EP Investment Advisors. In the past, he also served as managing director and CFO of SOR Libchavy and as CFO of Plzeňská energetika. Prior to the founding of EPH, Mr. Sekanina worked for more than 11 years within the J&T Group and before in Živnostenská banka and Atlantik finanční trhy.
He holds a master’s degree in Mathematics and Economics from Masaryk University in Brno.

Tereza Štefunková
Member of Supervisory Board

Martin Fedor
Member of the Supervisory Board
Mr. Fedor is a founder and managing director of the private equity firm Sandberg Capital. Prior to that he was a partner of J&T group responsible for corporate finance practice in Slovakia. Mr. Fedor also serves as a member of the Supervisory Board of EP Energy and EP Industries.
Mr. Fedor holds a master’s degree in Financial Management from Komensky University in Bratislava.