In 1994, Mitteldeutsche Braunkohlengesellschaft (MIBRAG) was the first East German lignite company to be privatized. Activities of the company have been focused in the south of Saxony-Anhalt – the company’s headquarters are located at the city of Zeitz – and in the region south of Leipzig. MIBRAG is the sole shareholder of companies Helmsteder Revier (HSR), GALA-MIBRAG-Service, Bohr- und Brunnenbau, MIBRAG Consulting International and MIBRAG Neue Energie. The company holds shares in three more entities offering a wide range of services from energy generation, landscaping to civil engineering, disposal, mine engineering services and the operation of a wind farm at the border of United Schleenhain mine in Saxony.
For more than two decades MIBRAG has made a stable contribution to the security of supply in the energy and heat sector. A total up to 19 million tonnes of raw lignite are mined at both mines in Profen (Saxony-Anhalt) and United Schleenhain (Saxony) each year. The modern Lippendorf (Saxony) and Schkopau (Saxony-Anhalt) power plants are major customers of the domestic fuel. The company also includes an industrial power plant at Wählitz. MIBRAG’s industrial power plant – among other things – supply district heating, hot water and steam to end customers. Lignite fuel dust is further processed in the cement industry.
MIBRAG has established as reliable partner and stabilizing factor in the economic life of Central Germany. A total share of about 65 % of delivery contracts covering an average annual order volume of EUR 180m is concluded with the companies in the Central German region alone. On this basis, mining helps to secure jobs also outside the company. Furthermore, the company is strongly committed to local alliances for jobs and for regional economic development.
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