Elektrárny Opatovice
supplies thermal energy for almost 63,000 households in the Hradec Králové – Pardubice – Chrudim area and also for several hundred organisations such as industrial enterprises and administrative, commercial, sport, health and cultural facilities. Elektrárny Opatovice’s heat supply system is comprised of approximately 320 km of heat supply networks. In financial terms, EOP is one of the lowest-priced heat suppliers in the Czech Republic. EOP also produces more than 1,000 GWh of electricity annually, partly in an efficient cogeneration mode. The power station has the capacity to supply balancing power, which helps to balance supply and demand in the Czech electricity grid, and it is able to operate in island mode and continue providing power to a specified area in case of collapse of the whole electricity grid.
More on www.eop.cz
Plzeňská teplárenská
is the largest company in the Pilsen region engaged in the production of electrical and thermal energy. The company further distributes and supplies heat, cooling, drinking and service water and compressed air to more than 55,000 customers.
The company runs three cogeneration heating plants including one waste-to-energy plant. As a primary fuel for heat and power generation, lignite, biomass and municipal waste are used.
Based on a long-term contract with the Czech transmission system operator, ČEPS, a.s., Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s. provides certified ancillary services and helps balance electricity supply and demand.
More on www.pltep.cz

United Energy
is an important heat producer in the northern Bohemian region. It supplies thermal energy to more than 34,000 households in Most and Litvínov, and also to industrial enterprises, schools, health facilities, offices and various institutions. Part of the thermal energy is sold to the networks of third-party heat distributors. The length of United Energy’s heat distribution network, owned by its subsidiary Severočeská teplárenská, totals approximately 150 km of distribution pipes. United Energy operates the Komořany CHP plant near Most, which fires indigenous brown coal and biomass in modern fluidised-bed boilers meeting all environmental and public health regulations. Every year, the CHP plant produces up to 10,000 TJ of thermal energy, which is used for electricity and heat production. The Komořany CHP plant generates electricity in 8 turbine generator sets with an aggregate installed electrical capacity of 239 Mwe.
More on www.ue.cz